The Vidatox® 30CH, a biotherapeutic homeopathic compound with a dilution in 30 hundredths and whose active ingredient is the venom from the scorpion Rhopalurus junceus endemic in Cuba (which has shown in preclinical studies, anticancer values, anti-inflammatory and analgesic), has been created by LABIOFAM laboratories. The product is potentially non-toxic when administered orally. Its use does not exclude or limit other conventional treatment against cancer and indeed the simultaneous use may have a synergistic effect and enhance the antitumor activity of the conventional cancer treatments.
Today, the product has been tested in more than 65,000 patients treated with positive results, both Cuban and abroad, who use the product as an adjuvant therapy in the treatment of neoplastic diseases such as cancer of the pancreas, prostate cancer, lung cancer and brain and nervous system cancer, among others. According to the patients, the results are not observed since the beginning of the therapy, but after a mo+nth the effects already start to be satisfactory.
The following symptoms were observed in patients at the end of a study lasted for 25 months:
- Significant reduction of the side effects caused by cytostatic and radiation therapy.
- Significant cancer pain relief.
- Important inflammatory reduction.
- Significant improvement of haematological parameters.
- Significant improvement in appetite.
- Marked improvement in general condition.
- Marked improvement in the function of organs and systems affected.
- Weight gain.
- Decreased "cough".
For all the above, the patient has an improvement in general health and therefore quality of life, increasing the survival rate of patients with cancer and giving them back the "Desire to live."
The Vidatox® 30CH has no side effects; the main contraindications are hypersensitivity to the medicine itself, to its active principle or its components. Using this product does not exclude or limit the usage of any conventional treatments against cancer (radiotherapy, chemotherapy, etc.).